Your budget represents the maximum amount you're willing to spend on leads in a calendar month. Rest assured, we will never charge more than your set budget in any given month, and your budget automatically resets on the 1st of each month.
Your budget reflects the total amount we can charge to your credit card each month. If you dispute a lead and receive a lead credit, that credit doesn’t count toward your monthly budget since your account has already been charged for that lead. These lead credits carry over from month to month, allowing you to use them when needed.
When you have lead credits available, they will be applied to any new leads before charging your credit card and using your budget. If your credit balance isn't enough to cover the full price of a lead, we’ll apply the available credits and only charge your card for the remaining balance.
At the start of each month, your "Spent" amount is set to $0. Each time you receive a lead and we charge your card, your "Spent" total increases by the amount of that charge. Once your total "Spent" for the month reaches your set budget, we’ll stop sending leads to ensure you don't exceed your limit.
In some rare cases, we may send you a discounted lead to accommodate your remaining budget. For example, if you're bidding $150 for leads in Broward County but only have $125 left in your budget, the system might assign the lead to you at a discounted price of $125 to match your remaining balance.
You can adjust your monthly budget at any time to reflect changes in your spending preferences. However, frequent budget adjustments may flag your account and impact lead delivery, as we rely on budget stability to allocate our marketing resources effectively. We recommend maintaining a consistent budget to avoid disruptions in lead flow.