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MotivatedSellers.com Return Policy

At MotivatedSellers.com, we provide high-quality motivated seller leads in real-time. While we run quick quality checks on each lead, verifying every detail would slow things down. Instead, we deliver leads immediately to give you a speed-to-lead advantage. To balance this, we offer a return policy for leads that fall under specific scenarios.

Lead generation is expensive for all parties involved, so it’s important to set clear expectations upfront. While we target motivated sellers in our marketing campaigns, not every lead will be ready to sell right away. Success requires effort, and we trust that our investors will take full responsibility for their leads—making a genuine effort to engage, nurture, and address objections—before disputing them.

Below is a summary of acceptable return scenarios, followed by detailed explanations. Please review these guidelines carefully. You have up to 10 days from receiving a lead to submit a dispute.


You can return leads if the property was listed for sale on the MLS at the time of submission. FSBO and rental listings are not eligible for return.

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You can return leads if the property is a mobile home sitting on leased land. Larger modular homes sitting on owned land are not eligible for return.

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You can return duplicate leads if they were both provided by MotivatedSellers.com. Leads from other sources or your own marketing aren't eligible.

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You can return leads if the property was submitted by a wholesaler, not the seller. Wholesalers hold contracts but don't own the property.

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You can return leads pointing to vacant lots, unless land is part of your investment strategy or you specifically requested to receive vacant land leads.

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You can return leads for non-residential properties, like commercial or industrial spaces, unless they fit your investment criteria.

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You can return leads if the address is incorrect, unlocatable, or non-existent. Ensure it's not due to a typo or new development before disputing.

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You can return leads if the phone number and email are incorrect or fake. Please try finding accurate contact details before disputing the lead.

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You can return leads if they are clearly fake or spam. Our filters catch most spam, but if any slip through, we’ll review and credit your account.

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You can return leads if the contact states they didn’t request an offer. Confirm details first, as someone else may have submitted the form on their behalf.

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You can return leads if the contact isn’t the property owner or authorized representative. Verify with the lead first, as lead may be a family member or heir.

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You can return leads if the property is outside your bidding areas. Our system usually filters them, but if one slips through, we’ll credit your account.

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Investors with reasonable dispute rates can return leads after 8+ contact attempts over 4 days without a response. Use a mix of calls, texts, and emails before disputing.

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Investors with reasonable dispute rates can return leads if the seller immediately disconnects the call without any significant engagement.

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Investors with reasonable dispute rates can return leads if the contact explicitly says they’re not selling. Leads don’t qualify if sellers have high expectations or are open to selling in the future.

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Did we miss something? Occasionally, we may accept lead returns for issues not covered in this policy. Provide a detailed explanation and any supporting evidence.

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Lead Return Policy Details

Property Is Listed for Sale in the MLS

Leads can be returned if the property is actively listed FOR SALE on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) or was verifiably under a listing agreement at the time of lead submission.


Leads for properties listed as FOR RENT on the MLS are not eligible for return.

Leads for properties listed For Sale by Owner (FSBO) on websites like Zillow, Trulia, FSBO.com, or any other are not eligible for return.


We encourage you to contact the listing agent to assess the seller’s motivation before disputing an MLS-listed lead. In some cases, the seller might be highly motivated and a profitable deal could still be achievable -- even with the agent involved.

If possible, please verify the listing status directly with the seller. Be mindful of local laws, as direct contact may be restricted in some states.

Listings that are close to expiring or have recently expired may not be updated online yet. Sellers in these situations are often very motivated and open to negotiation, offering a unique opportunity.


Our team will manually verify whether the property is actively listed for sale on the MLS. If the lead is in fact listed on the MLS, your dispute will be approved, and a credit will be issued to your account.

Mobile Homes on Leased Land

Leads can be disputed if the property is a mobile home, modular home, trailer, or manufactured home situated on leased land, such as in a mobile home park.

Leads cannot be returned if the property is a modular or manufactured home where the land is owned by the seller.

  • Trailer-style mobile homes are eligible for return, regardless of whether they standing on leased or owned land.
  • Larger manufactured homes cannot be returned unless they are standing on leased land.

We encourage you to evaluate the potential investment opportunities that mobile homes may present before disputing the lead, as these properties can offer unique advantages.


You may not return mobile home leads if you have explicitly asked us for mobile home leads or if mobile homes are part of your investment strategy.


As a courtesy, we may approve all mobile home disputes for investors with low dispute rates.


Our team will investigate to verify your claim. If confirmed, will quickly credit your account.

Duplicate Leads

Duplicate leads can be returned if both the original and the duplicate were supplied by MotivatedSellers.com.

A duplicate lead is defined as having the same address as a previously provided lead. Our system is designed to automatically detect and filter out duplicates in the last 6 months. In the rare event that a duplicate lead slips through, please submit a dispute, and we will gladly credit your account.


We cannot accept returns for leads that you received from another company or through your own marketing campaigns.


When a motivated seller submits their information multiple times, it often signals a high level of urgency. Don’t overlook duplicate leads, even if you’ve already been in touch with the seller. If we receive a duplicate lead, we will try to notify you via email and SMS so you can follow up promptly.


Our team will verify that the lead in question was previously provided by us and, if confirmed, will quickly credit your account. If possible, please include the original lead ID in your dispute in order expedite the resolution.

Lead was Submitted by a Wholesaler

Leads can be returned if the property was submitted by a real estate wholesaler and not the actual seller.

Before disputing wholesale leads, consider the potential business opportunities they may offer. You could negotiate directly with the wholesaler, partner on a joint venture to assist in finding an end-buyer, or even purchase the property yourself if it aligns with your investment strategy.


A wholesaler is someone who does not own the property but holds it under contract with the intention of finding an end-buyer, either by assigning or selling the contract to a third party or by closing on the property and immediately reselling it for a profit.


Our team will contact the lead to verify whether it is being offered by a wholesaler. If confirmed, we will promptly credit your account. To expedite your dispute, please provide any suporting evidence you may have.

Lead Points to a Vacant Lot

Leads can be returned if the address points to an empty lot without a residential structure on it. If vacant land does not align with your investment approach and you have no viable alternatives for monetizing such leads, you may return these leads.


Satellite or Street View images from Google Maps and other online resources may not always reflect current conditions and could show an empty lot when there are recent constructions or improvements.


While vacant lots may not fit every investor’s strategy, they can sometimes offer unique investment opportunities. We recommend evaluating the potential before disputing the lead.


Our team will verify the absence of any structure on the property. If the lead is confirmed as vacant land, your dispute will be approved, and a credit will be issued to your account.

Non-Residential Properties

Leads for non-residential properties, such as commercial buildings, office spaces, retail locations, warehouses, industrial properties, and agricultural land, are eligible for return.

Non-residential opportunities can be very profitable. We encourage you to evaluate the potential investment opportunities these leads might offer before submitting a dispute.


Multifamily units with 4 or fewer units are considered residential and are not eligible for return.


Our team will review your dispute. If the lead is confirmed to be a non-residential property, we will approve your dispute and issue a credit to your account.

Invalid Address

Leads can be returned if the address provided is incorrect, cannot be located on mapping tools, or is confirmed to be non-existent.

Before disputing a lead due to an invalid address, please double-check for any typos or inaccuracies. If possible, reach out to the lead directly, as they may clarify any confusion. Try finding the address through multiple resources, such as postal service verification, county public records, local municipality offices, and searching for the address in local news or real estate listings.


Keep in mind that new streets, recent developments, or rural properties may not always appear right away on online mapping platforms. Additionally, some addresses might have multiple variations or naming conventions.


Our team will skip trace the lead and attempt to contact the seller. If we are unable to validate the address, your dispute will be quicky approved, and a credit will be issued to your account.

Inaccurate Contact Information

Leads can be returned if the phone number and email address are incorrect and cannot be used to reach the seller. This includes wrong numbers, disconnected lines, or clearly fake email addresses.

Sellers sometimes misspell their contact details when submitting their information. Before filing a dispute, we kindly ask you to make an effort to find the correct contact information. Consider using a web search or, if possible, perform a skip trace to locate accurate details.


We understand that sometimes people enter random information just to browse or test our system, without any real intention of selling. While our system does a good job of filtering these out, it’s not possible to catch every instance in real-time.


Our team will skip trace the lead’s contact information. If we confirm that the provided details are completely invalid, your dispute will be approved, and a credit will be issued to your account.

If we find that the contact information was simply misspelled, we may reach out to the seller to confirm their intent to sell, update the details, and notify you with the corrected contact information so you can reconnect with the seller.

Spam Leads

Leads can be returned if they are clearly fake or identifiable as spam. Spam leads happens when a person or bot submits false or random information maliciously without any intention of selling.


While our system is highly effective at filtering out junk leads in real time, some fake leads may occasionally bypass our safeguards. If you encounter a lead that appears false, please submit a dispute, and we will be happy to review it and credit your account.


Our team will review your dispute and conduct additional verification to assess the lead's authenticity. If the lead is confirmed to be spam, we will credit your account.

Seller Didn't Request an Offer

Investors with reasonable dispute rates may return leads if the contact explicitly states they did not fill out the form and have no intention of selling their property. However, before disputing the lead, please follow these steps to verify the claim:

  • Confirm with the Lead: Politely ask if someone else, such as a family member or representative, may have submitted the form on their behalf.
  • Verify Contact Details: Ensure that the phone number and email address match the information provided in the lead.


Occasionally, individuals may forget they have submitted a form. In other cases, someone might enter random information just to test our landing pages. While our system effectively filters out most fake leads, it may not catch every instance. If you encounter this type of lead, please know that we are here to assist you.


Disputes will be promptly granted for investors with reasonable dispute rates. For those with elevated dispute rates, we may skiptrace the lead. If we can confirm that the seller’s name, phone number, and IP geolocation match the information provided, the dispute may be denied.

Not the Owner or a Representative

Leads can be returned if the contact provided is not the actual property owner or an authorized representative of the owner.


Please don’t immediately dispute a lead if the name provided doesn’t match the owner on record. First, contact the lead directly—they could be an heir, family member, or representative authorized to sell the property.


Our team will reach out to the contact to verify their relationship to the property. If we confirm that they are not connected to the owner or estate, your dispute will be approved, and a credit will be issued to your account.

Lead Arrived Outside You Markets

Leads can be returned if the property is located outside the markets you were actively bidding for at the time the lead was received.

Our system is really good at validating each address and determining it’s location in real time. However, if you receive a lead outside your designated bidding markets for any reason, please submit a dispute, and we will promptly credit your account.


The property must be located outside any active markets specified in your account at the date and time the lead was received.


Our team will verify the property’s location. If we confirm that the lead was outside your chosen markets when it was delivered, your dispute will be approved, and a credit will be issued to your account.


No Response

Investors with reasonable dispute rates may return leads if they are unable to get a response after at least 8 contact attempts over a period of 7 or more days.


A lead may be returned if you have made at least 8 contact attempts over 7 days using a combination of calls, texts, and emails. Avoid disputing after just a few attempts—exhaust all reasonable communication methods before submitting a dispute.


We understand that reaching sellers can be challenging. Here are some tips to help increase your response rate:

  • Reach out to the seller as soon as possible, as leads are typically most responsive right after submitting the form.
  • Implement a robust follow-up system to automate and track your communication efforts.
  • Ensure your phone number is not blocked or marked as “Spam Call Likely” by carriers.
  • Avoid generic emails; personalize each message with the seller’s name and address in the subject line and body to improve deliverability.
  • Be consistent in your outreach over multiple days, keeping your messages friendly and respectful to avoid overwhelming the seller.
  • Use a local area code when calling, as people are more likely to answer familiar numbers.
  • Try reaching out at different times of the day, as the seller may be busy during standard business hours.
  • Search for the owner on social media and attempt to connect through those channels as an additional touchpoint.
  • Consider sending a letter to the seller’s address as a unique way to stand out and capture their attention.

No-answer lead returns will be promptly granted for investors with reasonable dispute rates. For those with higher dispute rates, we will skip-trace the lead and may deny the dispute if we confirm the contact information is accurate.


Leads Hangs Up the Phone

Investors with reasonable dispute rates can return leads if the seller consistently hangs up upon answering and does not respond to other methods of communication such as SMS and Email.


Ensure that calls are handled by a professional with clear sound quality, ideally speaking with a neutral or clear American accent.


Before disputing the lead, make several contact attempts using different methods such as calling from a different number or sending follow-up text messages or emails to ensure that the hang-up was not accidental or due to a technical issue.

The initial approach and what is said during the first few seconds of a call can significantly impact whether or not the seller remains engaged. If calls are frequently being disconnected, it may be beneficial to refine and perfect your opening lines. A confident yet friendly introduction can make all the difference in keeping the seller on the line and willing to continue the conversation.


Our team will attempt to get in touch with the lead, if the seller disconnects the call without any significant engagement, a credit will be issued to your account.


Lead Says They Are Not Selling

Investors with reasonable dispute rates may return leads if the contact explicitly states they have no intention of selling the property, even after submitting the form. This includes cases where the seller has changed their mind and is no longer interested in selling. This policy does not apply to sellers who are open to selling at a higher price or those who are considering selling in the future, even if they’re not ready to move forward immediately.


This policy does not apply to sellers who are open to selling at a higher price or those who are considering selling in the future, even if they’re not ready to move forward immediately. Leads cannot be returned simply because the seller has high expectations and didn't like your offer.


Our team will contact the seller to confirm their intention. Disputes will be promptly granted for investors with reasonable dispute rates. For investors with elevated dispute rates, this type of dispute will be denied.



In situations that do not fit neatly into our standard categories but where you still believe the lead should be disputed, please provide a detailed explanation of the issue. This could include unusual circumstances or specific challenges encountered with the lead that are not covered by our existing policies.


If a lead falls into two or more categories, do not choose this reason but choose the most obvious category for the dispute and provide as much supporting information as possible about the other relevant issues. This will help strengthen your case.


Our team will review these cases individually, and we encourage you to provide detailed information and documentation to support your dispute. We aim to address all concerns fairly and will issue a credit if the dispute is validated based on the circumstances provided.

Exclusions: What Is NOT Covered Under This Return Policy

Please note, this is not an exhaustive list, but rather examples of common scenarios that are not covered under our return policy. A lead cannot be returned if it falls under any of the following categories: