If your credit card payment fails, it's important to know what happens next and how to resolve the issue quickly. Below, we outline the steps that occur when your payment doesn't go through and how you can get your account back on track to continue receiving leads.
If your credit card fails, your account will enter Payment Failed mode, and your lead delivery will be paused. Here's what to expect:
- Automatic Payment Attempts: Our system will try to charge your payment method daily for the next 30 days.
- Lead Delivery Paused: During this time, you won’t receive new leads until the payment issue is resolved.
- Billing Department Contact: You may receive a call from our billing department to assist in resolving the issue.
- Resuming Service: If we are able to successfully charge your account, your account will automatically exit Payment Failed mode, and lead delivery will resume. If you don’t want to continue receiving leads, make sure to pause your account.
- Using Credits: If you are awarded credits from other disputes, our system will automatically apply them to cover the charge on the next attempt. However, your account may remain in Payment Failed mode, as we haven’t been able to verify that your card is working.
To resolve the issue, you can update your payment information in the Payment Methods page of your account at any time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.