Frequently asked questions
How Do You Generate Your Leads?
We operate a network of high-quality websites that are well ranked in Google and other search engines. We also generate additional leads by placing targeted ads in the search engine result pages, and across the internet on reputable, real estate related websites. Finally, we use social media to target prospects who have demonstrated interest in selling their house.
How Much Do Your Leads Cost?
The price of a lead is determined by you. Our platform allows investors to set a bid price for leads per county. When a lead comes in, we determine the county and forward it in real time to the highest bidder in that county. If the monthly budget for the highest bidder runs out, we then send leads to the next highest bidder and so on. Bid prices are set in increments of 25 dollars.
What Percentage of Leads Should I Expect to Close?
Our most successful investors close as many as one in five leads. Your closing rate really depends on your ability to negotiate and follow up with the sellers. Successful investors build a strong lead pipeline and implement robust follow up sequences that spans months or even years.
How Will I Be Receiving Leads?
You can configure your notification methods to receive leads by email, text message and/or by integrating your CRM system. Your leads will also be available for your reference inside our platform.
What Information Will I Be Receiving?
We have different forms on different websites and some forms are more detailed than others. At a minimum, we try to collect the seller's name, email, phone number and property address. Some leads might come in with extra information such as timeframe to sell, estimated property value and/or reason for selling.
What Happens If I Receive a Bad Lead?
We will only charge you for real leads. You can request a refund if a lead has false information or if the seller is not selling a house. You can submit a lead dispute on our platform within the first 120 hours (5 days) after receiving the lead. Once you submit a dispute, our team will contact the seller to verify your claim and lead credits will be added to your account if confirmed.
Choose your own counties
Choose your own counties with our easy to
use, self-serve lead distribution system.
Only pay for real leads. You wont get charged for listed leads.
Exclusive Leads. We only sell each lead once.
CRM Integration. We support most CRMs.
Enable or Pause lead flow on demand.
No necessary contracts.

Get notified of incoming
seller leads in real time via...

Professional reviews
Great for any investor or cash buyer who is serious about getting some good quality leads from motivated sellers.

Nashvile, TN
Video testimonials

We made a $20,000 profit on the eight lead Amir sent us
Jeff Ley
We ended up paying $40,000 for the house, you can do the math.
Harvey Gronwald